It may seem counterintuitive to suggest that creative endeavors follow a formula.  But, it seems to me, they actually do.  Creating handmade works of art typically involves a series of steps.  The steps follow a logical sequence but are rarely executed in rigid, exact order.  The creative process is a twisty, winding road.  That’s the beauty of creating—you’re dreaming, mulling, experimenting, considering, refining, learning, discovering and a hundred other activities that are circular and fluid.
Today, I’d like to share my take on the steps to create something uniquely handmade.  Here are FanningSparks’ 10 steps From Idea to I Made It!
From Idea to I Made It! In 10 Steps Graphic   @FanningSparks
Before I dive in, however, I’d like to point out that you don’t necessarily have to complete all the steps yourself.  Many of the DIY tutorials available online, including those I share here on this blog, jumpstart the process by doing some of the upfront steps for you.  And there’s nothing wrong with that—in fact, I encourage you to take advantage of these resources because the more you make, the more you can make!  The more you experience for yourself, the more you can imagine, create and make on your own.  At least, that’s been my experience.
STEP 1 – Ideate
It all starts with an idea.  Inspiration can come from anywhere.  There are countless sources online.  But real life inspiration is richer and deeper.  Nature is widely recognized as the ultimate source of inspiration.  Travelling and visiting unfamiliar destinations is another rich source of inspiration.  Scouting for ideas in museums, art galleries and design shops is one of my favorite activities.
Recording all these creative possibilities is the trick to being able to draw upon them later.  Gather samples, take photos, jot notes, save references and create pins to help you remember all these lovely ideas.  When it comes to original works of art, please respect the work of others and view it to inspire not replicate.
Organize your ideas for future reference.  This could be via online photo albums, folders, Pinterest boards, or saved favorites.  It could be a real life bulletin board or display.  Don’t forget about the projects you have in flight or have already completed.  The goal is to surround yourself with inspiration.  This is a peek at the inspirational items I have displayed in a corner of my studio.
Inspiration Board in Corner of my Studio   @FanningSparks
With inspiration in your line of sight and at your fingertips, give yourself time to mull over the possibilities.  Let your imagination roam.  Pick out favorites.  Match ideas to needs, functions, events and interests.  Give your ideas time to percolate.
STEP 2 – Envision
As you start to narrow down the options and zero in on a specific direction, flesh out the concept.  Imagine the possibilities.  Consider the materials that could be used.  Think about the techniques that could be applied.  Create sketches, build models, mockup samples and take photos.  Play with physical materials and/or experiment digitally.  Conduct research.  Go back to your inspiration resources.  Add depth and enrich your vision.  This is definitely an iterative step.  Enjoy the experience of imagining and reimagining how this creative endeavor could unfold.
The below photo shows the envisioning stage of a mandala-inspired oval mirror frame I designed and made in mosaic glass.  You can see the results in the post My Mandala-Inspired Oval Design.
Making Pattern - Designing Elements. @FanningSparks
STEP 3 – Design
At some point, your concept will become more concrete and it’s time to design the desired outcome.  The level of design detail can vary greatly.  Someone experienced with the targeted materials and techniques might proceed with only a rough sketch in their head.  While someone with less experience might prepare a life-size mockup.  Either way, give yourself time to experiment and play with options.
It’s not unusual to go back to the Ideate or Envision Steps.  As ideas mature, they may need to be reworked or reconsidered.  Feel free to bounce around between steps.
I like to gather together inspiration items, photos, sample materials and color options to inform and inspire my design.  I was working on the design for a Diamonds and Beads Wooden Wreath in the photo below.
Designing the Wreath for Diamonds and Beads Wooden Wreath @FanningSparks
STEP 4 – Plan
The next step is to plan how you will achieve the desired outcome.  What materials and supplies will you use?  Will you need wood, paper, fabric, yarn, glass, paint, dye, etc?  In what format and type?  In what color(s)?  In what size and quantity?
What equipment or tools will you use?  What steps and actions will be needed to execute your design?  It’s not necessary to build a detailed workplan with task dependencies but it’s helpful to define enough detail to support the next steps.
Some research may be needed at this stage to determine what’s even possible.  There’s no point in planning an elaborate set of hand-thrown clay dinnerware without figuring out how to get access to a pottery kiln.  Nor would you want to plan an outdoor structure with materials that can’t withstand the weather.  Research might also reveal some new materials or techniques that you could leverage.
Once again, the process is not linear and you could find yourself going back to the previous steps or jumping ahead to subsequent steps from here.  For instance, checking the materials you already have on hand might influence the plan.  This was my experience when I was planning a Pair of Mosaic Mirrors for our master bathroom.
Stacked Glass Mosaic Tiles    @FanningSparks
STEP 5 – Source
Using the details compiled during the previous Plan Step, find, gather, borrow, order, buy and/or rent what you need to complete the project.  You may want to start by shopping at home.  Do you have anything already available that can be used?  Do you have anything that can be reused or repurposed?  Could you adjust your design and/or plan to incorporate materials you already have on hand?  You might also consider sourcing materials from thrift stores or vintage shops.
One of my favorite projects started with an old entertainment center I sourced from a thrift store.  I was able to repurpose it into the Ultimate Maker’s Cabinet.
Ultimate Maker’s Cabinet Before and After    @FanningSparks
Don’t forget to source equipment and tools as well as supplies and materials.  Ensure you have the appropriate type and size of accessories such as sewing needles, paint brushes, modelling tools, glass cutters, drill bits, saw blades, sandpaper, and so on.
If you decide to purchase in person or order online, take time to research your options.  You may discover specialty suppliers or new products along the way.
The below photo shows the supplies and materials needed to create a Personalized Fabric-Covered Journal.
Supplies Needed to Make DIY Personalized Fabric-Covered Journal. @FanningSparks
STEP 6 – Setup
Take a little time to plan for and setup your work environment.  Do you need to protect surfaces with drop cloths?  Do you need additional task lighting?  Do you need a large flat surface to work on?  Do you need to plug in and set up equipment?  Do you need ventilation and fresh air?  It’s impossible to outline all the various working environments that might be needed.  But some things will be common to all—safety and comfort.  Please be sure to take appropriate safety precautions such as wearing safety glasses, hearing protection, respiratory masks, gloves and so on.  You’ll also want to ensure your working surface is at a convenient height and any seating is comfortable.
Another factor to consider is how long you’ll need the setup.  Is it a one-time activity?  Will the working area be temporary?  Or will the activity stretch over time requiring the working area for an extended period of time?  In the below photo, I setup a temporary area in my kitchen to Experiment with Fabric Dyes.
Prepare to Test Several Fabric Dye Samples @FanningSparks
STEP 7 – Prepare Components
After you’ve finalized your design, mapped out your plan, gathered your materials, supplies, equipment and tools, and setup your work area, it’s finally time to actually start making.  Hurray!
Often the first step is to prepare the parts needed for the project.  This will likely involve measuring and marking your materials.  It may involve cutting.  It may involve tracing patterns or designs.  It could be dyeing materials.  Or it could even be pressing flowers to be used later. There are an endless number of ways this step could play out.  I’m cutting diamond shapes from stained glass in preparation for making Turkish Mosaic Candle Holders in the photo below.
Turkish Mosaic Candle Holder Tutorial - Cutting Glass Diamonds. @FanningSparks
STEP 8 – Assemble
In this step, you start to pull components together.  Sometimes, there’s experimentation involved as you seek the most pleasing arrangement or you make final selections for embellishments.  The 3 steps—Prepare Components, Assemble and Construct—are closely related.  It’s not unusual to bounce back and forth between the steps, skip a step, or to iterate through the steps multiple times.
In the below photo, I’m assembling pressed flowers into a pleasing arrangement for my Pressed Flower Girls Wall Art.
Arranging Pressed Flowers for Pressed Flower Girls Wall Art   @FanningSparks
STEP 9 – Construct
At this stage the arranged components become permanent.  A variety of techniques can be used to construct or build the final product.  Fabric can be sewn.  Yarn can be knit.  Wood can be nailed.  Clay can be molded.  Mosaic tiles can be glued.  And so on.
It’s a good idea to “dry fit” some projects meaning fit all the pieces together to check for fit before attaching permanently.  I’m dry fitting my Bluebird-Approved Birdhouse in the photo below.
Test Fit the Parts for DIY Bluebird-Approved Birdhouse. Tutorial at FanningSparks. @FanningSparks
If something doesn’t fit or isn’t as expected, it may be necessary to go back to the previous steps to adjust the components or modify the assembly.  It’s also possible to go all the way back to the Envision or Design steps at this stage—remember the creative process is a twisty, winding road!
STEP 10 – Finish
After your work of art is constructed, it’s time for finishing touches.  This could involve sanding and smoothing.  It could involve grouting.  It could involve painting.  It could involve sealing or protecting the work.  It could involve glazing and final firing.  It could involve adding final embellishments such as beads and accents.  It could involve pressing.  Regardless of the materials or techniques, it’s important to take your time with finishing.  Attention to detail at this stage can make the difference between handmade and homemade!
Finishing could also involve installing your work of art.  For instance, hanging art on the wall or mounting a birdhouse.  It could be wrapping your work of art to give as a gift.  Or it could be putting it into service as I did below with my new Kindred Spirits Tote Bag.
Finished Kindred Spirits Tote Bag Hanging on Chair @FanningSparks
I Made It!
This brings us to the final stage in the process—enjoying the fruits of your labor!  Hopefully, you’re pleased and satisfied with the results, you’ve learned something new and, most importantly, you’ve enjoyed the creative process itself.  I trust the 10 steps I’ve outlined will give you the confidence to take on more and different creative endeavors.  Enjoy the wonder of creating and the art of making!

More Info

Please pin this image to share or save for future reference.
From Idea to I Made It! In 10 Steps Graphic @FanningSparks
For a variety of ideas and inspiration, check out the DIY Tutorials and How To posts available here on the FanningSparks’ blog  or the inspiration boards on the FanningSparks’ Pinterest site.

Today’s Takeaways

1. The creative process is a twisty, winding road.
2. The more you make, the more you can make.
3. Consider following today’s 10 steps From Idea to I Made It! for your next creative endeavor.
Peg - FanningSparks Author

Today’s post is brought to you by the color yellow.  Yellow has a reputation for cheerfulness and optimism—so it’s the perfect time of year to honor this upbeat color.  Yellow is everywhere—yellow forsythia, yellow daffodils, yellow tulips…  Yay!  Spring has arrived!
Group of Daffodils Facing Up  @FanningSparks
Single Daffodil Facing Down   @FanningSparks
Color Echo with Yellow Tulips @FanningSparks

Yellow made a fine showing at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia when I visited recently.
Spring Gardens with Forsythia Shrub at State Botanical Garden of Georgia   @FanningSparks
Daffodils in Front of Waterfall at State Botanical Garden of Georgia   @FanningSparks
Swathes of daffodils take me back to the unforgettable flower fields in Lisse Netherlands.
Fields of Daffodils in Lisse Netherlands @FanningSparks
The yellow fields of brilliant rapeseed in the Germany countryside are also unforgettable.
Rapeseed Field with Farmhouse in Germany   @FanningSparks
Closer to home, the fields of yellow rocket around the John C Campbell Folk School in Brasstown North Carolina are breathtaking.
Yellow Rocket Fields at Folk School in Brasstown North Carolina  @FanningSparks
It’s tempting to categorize yellow as a spring color but this cheerful color appears year-round.  Daylilies, roses, sunflowers, and irises, for instance, showcase the many colors of yellow in the summer.
Yellow Summer Flowers Collage   @FanningSparksIn the fall, yellow joins red to mark the turn of the season as the leaves turn.
Yellow Autumn Leaves Collage   @FanningSparksBut yellow isn’t only for flowers and plants.  Mother Nature also uses yellow, although sparingly, on wildlife.  Here are two examples of beautiful yellow birds—the American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) and the Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea).
American Goldfinch on Wire    @FanningSparks
Prothonotary Warbler with Wings Outstretched   @FanningSparks
And here are two examples of gorgeous yellow butterflies—the Cloudless Sulphur (Phoebis sennae) and the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus).
Cloudless Sulphur on Magenta Zinnia @FanningSparks
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on Coneflower @FanningSparks
Yellow, along with red and blue, are the foundation of the traditional color wheel—add red and you have orange—add blue and you have green.  It’s a powerful color with a world of possibilities.
Speaking of color wheels, have you heard of the Martian Colour Wheel?  It’s an alternative to the traditional color wheel.  It has a lot more colors—120 to be exact.  Its foundation is 24 evenly spaced and fully adjusted hues.  This color wheel, as Warren Mars its creator explains, “keeps the full brightness of all the hue exemplars in order to match the richness of colour available on our RGB screens. There are also 2 dark shades for each hue and two light tints. The result is 120 colours that cover most the gamut available on a computer screen and most colours that you can see in the real world. … The Martian Colour Wheel also NAMES every colour with a simple, recognisable, real world example!”
Here’s the yellow section from both color wheels.
Yellow on Martian and Traditional Color Wheels   @FanningSparksA post about a specific color would not be complete without addressing the meaning of that color.  According to Jacob Olesen, a world-renowned color expert who authors the website Color Meanings, “Colors play an exceptionally prominent role in our lives. They influence our thinking, inspire our decision-making, and impact our moods.”   He describes yellow as “the color of happiness and optimism. Yellow is a cheerful and energetic color that brings fun and joy to the world. It makes learning easier as it affects the logical part of the brain, stimulating mentality and perception. It inspires thought and curiosity and boosts enthusiasm and confidence.” 
The below vibrant yellow building, which I spotted in a popular area of Aveiro Portugal, is certainly cheerful and energetic.  And judging from the number of people I saw posing for selfies in front of it, it definitely brings fun and joy to the world!
Vibrant Yellow Wall Showcases Wrought Iron Light Fixture in Aveiro Portugal. @FanningSparks
My relationship with the color yellow isn’t nearly that dramatic.  I did opt to paint the walls of our previous kitchen yellow.  It was bright and cheerful but, in hindsight, the yellow may have been a little too saturated.
Our Yellow Kitchen in Previous Home   @FanningSparksNowadays, I use yellow a little more carefully.  Yellow, along with magenta and moss green, are the foundation of my outdoor décor.  Here’s the color scheme on our curvy café chairs.
FanningSparks Floral World Tour – Warm Colors Collection Finished Set @FanningSparksThe color scheme is repeated in the pyramid trellises I made for our flower garden.  There are, by the way, step-by-step instructions to make these tuteurs here on the blog at DIY Pyramid Trellis Tutorial.
Magenta and Yellow Pyramid Trellises in Our Flower Garden   @FanningSparks
I also like to use yellow in my photography—especially as an accent color to call attention to DIY projects and photo props.
Yellow Floating Boat on Swampy Water   @FanningSparks
Pinwheel Made from Yellow Cardstock. @FanningSparks
I hope you’ve enjoyed this deep dive into the color yellow.   It was such fun putting this post together that it may become a recurring theme.

More Info

Enjoy more springtime stories and photos in the posts:
. Charleston’s Glorious Window Boxes
. Spring Into a Garden Tour
. A Virtual Visit to Lisse
. Virtual Hanami Around Aizu
. A Virtual Stroll in Ticehurst
You may also enjoy the post Following the Yellow Arrows which features my adventure walking the Camino in Portugal.
More information about the traditional color wheel is available on The Color Wheel Company website.
Learn about the Martian Colour Wheel on the Warren Mars website.
Check out Jacob Olesen’s website Color Meanings for more insights into the power and symbolism of color.

Today’s Takeaways

1. “Colors play an exceptionally prominent role in our lives. They influence our thinking, inspire our decision-making, and impact our moods.” Jacob Olesen
2. Try focusing on a specific color and notice how it seems to appear everywhere.
3. Consider a color-themed photography challenge by taking photos of a variety of subjects in the selected color.
Peg - FanningSparks Author

Have you ever found yourself looking for fabric, felt, yarn, string or wood beads in a very specific color?  I recently took on a project that required all of those materials in 3 different colors.  Knowing it would be near impossible to purchase all the finished materials in the desired colors, I decided to try dyeing my own.  I selected Rit All-Purpose Dyes for the challenge.  These dyes have been trending on DIY blogs and Instagram with impressive results.  So the great dyeing experiment began!
I’ve had a little experience with natural dyes (see More Info below) so the technique was familiar.  The generous guidance provided on the Rit website gave me the confidence to proceed.  I started by looking for the desired colors.  It is, of course, very difficult to match colors online.  But I got a good start by using online samples of my target colors and comparing them to the Rit color recipe samples.
Comparing Target Colors to Color Recipes   @FanningSparks
Choosing the dye colors is only one factor to consider.  I learned there are several major variables that can impact the final outcome including: the amount of dye used, the length of time in the dyebath and the type of fabric/materials being dyed.  There are also minor variables such as water temperature, adding salt and original color of materials.  To get a feel for how each major variable would impact my results, I started by dyeing some swatches to set a baseline.

Concentration of Dye Bath
A dyebath is created by mixing dye into hot water (ie 140⁰F).  The ratio of dye to water is an important consideration.  According to the directions on the Rit liquid dye package: “For every pound of dry fabric (i.e. 2 adult large t-shirts), use ½ bottle (4 ozs.) of dye with 3 gallons of the hottest water safe for fabric.”  So the recommended ratio is 4 oz dye:3 gallons water.  Since I only needed to dye swatches, I decided to start with a smaller dyebath and a lighter concentration of dye.  I used 100% cotton cheesecloth for my first batch of swatches.   For the base colors which are used directly from the bottle, I used 1 Tablespoon dye:12 cups water. This is about half the recommended concentration.  Then I dusted off my math skills to convert the color formulas for the mixed colors.  I jotted down my scaled down recipes and set up the laboratory!
Prepare to Test Several Samples   @FanningSparksIt’s a good idea to test your dyebath with a folded piece of paper towel before immersing your fabric/materials.  This provides an opportunity to check that the color is as expected and to adjust if necessary.
Test Dyebath Color with Paper Towel   @FanningSparks
Another step that worked well for me was to prepare labels in advance.  I simply printed the names of the various colors to be tested on strips of paper.  Then I used clothespins to clip the labels to the swatches.  This helped me keep track of which color was which as the swatches moved from the dyebaths to the drying rack to the finished pile.
Dyed Swatches Drying on Rack   @FanningSparks

Duration in Dye Bath
When it comes to timing, Rit indicates “Item can remain in dyebath from 10 minutes up to one hour.”  I was careful to treat all my swatches in the same way so I could compare the different colors.  After putting the swatch in the dyebath, I stirred constantly for 10 minutes and then stirred occasionally for another 20 minutes.  Then I removed the swatch and rinsed it in cold water.  Here’s how they turned out.
7 Dyed Swatches with Labels   @FanningSparks
Later I played around with an ombré effect to see how the length of time in the dyebath would impact the results.  It’s quite easy to get pretty ombré results—just dip the item into the dyebath, bottom first, and lift it out gradually.  The colors at the bottoms of the tassels, shown below, are darker because they were in the dyebath longer.
3 Ombre Dyed Tassels    @FanningSparks

Type of Materials Being Dyed
I had a lot of fun dyeing different materials.  I tried cotton fabric, wool felt, wool/rayon felt blend, polyester felt, wool yarn,  cotton tape, cotton string, crochet cotton, lace, driftwood, wooden beads, birch bark and basket reed.
Variety of Materials to be Dyed   @FanningSparks
I even tried handmade paper.  The trick with dyeing paper is to work fast.  It worked best when I just dipped the paper into the dyebath and then laid it flat to dry.  Here’s how the dyed paper turned out.
Dyed Handmade Paper with Folded Hearts   @FanningSparks
It’s amazing how much the final color can vary between materials.  All of the below items were dyed in the same Cockatoo dyebath for the same duration.  The color of the cotton materials is noticeably more saturated than the color of the wool materials.  But there’s also significant variation between cotton materials such as the cheesecloth and the cotton fabric.  The white section at top left, a piece of what turned out to be polyester felt, didn’t accept the dye at all.  A different product, Rit DyeMore for Synthetics, should be used for fabrics made of synthetic fibers such as polyester, acrylic, and acetate.
Assortment of Materials dyed with Cockatoo   @FanningSparks
One lesson I learned the hard way is to properly prepare yarn, cord or string for dyeing.
♦TIP:  Secure strands of fiber with figure 8 ties before putting it in the dyebath.  This prevents the strands from getting knotted into a tangled mess.
TIP Secure Strands with Figure 8 Ties   @FanningSparks
The Rit instructions state “Wet the fabric, squeeze out any excess water and add it to the dyebath.”  Hard materials such as driftwood, wooden beads and basket reed require a slightly different approach.
TIP: Pre-soak natural materials, such as driftwood, wooden beads and basket reed, in water.  Immerse the items in the dyebath and stir for 10 minutes pushing down any that float to the top.  After 10 minutes, I covered the items with a piece of scrap material to keep them submerged in the dyebath.
TIP Presoak and Weigh Down Natural Materials   @FanningSparks
After studying my swatches, I determined that 2 of the colors I tried, Aquamarine and Spectrum Blue, provided a good match with my target colors.  Aquamarine is a Rit base color and Spectrum Blue is made with a Rit formula.  None of the greens I tried, however, matched the light spring green I had in mind.
Aquamarine, Kelly Green and Cockatoo Swatches   @FanningSparks
After a few more tests I created a formula that worked.  I call it My Spring Glow.
My Spring Glow Collection of Dyed Materials   @FanningSparks
So here’s the winning combination shown with the dye recipes, concentration and duration.
Dye Recipes for FanningSparks Colors   @FanningSparks
Here’s how the dyed materials looked in the final project.  Regular readers may recognize this elaborate flatlay from my last post FanningSparks Turns 3!
FanningSparks Turns 3 Craft Flatlay @FanningSparks

More Info

You can learn more about Rit dyes on their website.
You may be interested in these two posts which discuss natural dyes: Natural Dye Making and Sheep to Shawl.

Today’s Takeaways

1. Dyeing your own fabric, or other materials, allows you to create any color you can imagine.
2. There are several variables that impact the dyeing process including the amount of dye used, the length of time in the dyebath and the type of fabric/materials being dyed.
3. Be prepared to experiment when doing your own dyeing.
Peg - FanningSparks Author

FanningSparks is celebrating a birthday this week—the blog turns 3!  It’s the perfect time to stop and say Thank You!  Thank you for following along with my blogging adventure.  Thank you for taking the time to read the stories and look at the photos.  Thank you for your words of encouragement, kind comments, generous likes and shares.  I sincerely appreciate your support.  To mark this special milestone, I created this elaborate flat lay featuring a variety of projects.
FanningSparks Turns 3 Craft Flatlay   @FanningSparks
For today’s post, I’d like to take a step back and share some of the blog’s accomplishments from the last 3 years.  There are 3 sections in this post: FanningSparks Blog, FanningSparks Social Media Platforms and FanningSparks Recognition and Feedback.
FanningSparks Blog Title with Green Felt LadyStories and photos are published on the blog, at, every Tuesday.  This post marks the 159th time I’ve hit the publish button.  Readers sometimes ask if I’m worried about running out of things to post about.  Surprisingly, I’m not— I keep a running list of ideas that has far more topics than I could ever address.  This endless list of things to see, to learn, to try and to share is what keeps me energized and the blog in motion.
The blog’s audience continues to grow.  Over 21,500 people have visited the blog since its launch and the growth trend is positive: Year 1 -> 3,000; Year 2 -> 6,000; Year 3 -> 12,000.  Below is a trend chart from Google Analytics that shows the number of active users (ie visitors to FanningSparks) over the last 3 years.  As indicated, the 3 trend lines represent the average number of visitors in 1 day (77 daily), 7 days (449 weekly) and 30 days (1,600 monthly).
Google Analytics Growth Chart – For FanningSparks as of March 2021
Google Analytics also calculates which posts are the most popular.  Shown below are photos from the top 10 FanningSparks’ posts since the beginning of the blog.  Long-time readers may recognize some of these from last year.  The post titles are linked below the photo.
FanningSparks’ Top Posts to Date – as of March 20211. DIY Turkish Mosaic Candle Holder Tutorial
2. Flat-Plane Carving with Harley
3. Getting Started with Woodcarving
4. Artisan Transforms Quahog Shells
5. Our Pony Wall and Banquette Combo
6. DIY Pyramid Trellis Tutorial
7. A School for Makers
8. DIY Bluebird-Approved Birdhouse Tutorial
9. Pair of Mosaic Mirrors Completed
10. DIY Woven Statement Necklace Tutorial
Interestingly, the DIY tutorial post for a Turkish Mosaic Candle Holder shot to the top after being picked up by a couple of aggregator blogs.  When The Spruce Crafts blog mentioned FanningSparks in their April 20, 2020 post 10 Mosaic Ideas to Try at Home, I noticed an immediate increase in the number of viewers.  Here’s the coverage from that post.
Screen Grab from The Spruce Crafts – Featuring FanningSparks Post

FanningSparks Social Media Platform with Aquamarine Felt LadyThe FanningSparks presence on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Bloglovin’ continues to be well received.  Surprisingly, Pinterest is the channel with the most action.  I’ve created over 3,600 pins (ie saved photos) and I’m thrilled to have 268 people following my Pinterest boards.  It took a while to create this momentum but the amount of exposure Pinterest now provides to the FanningSparks blog is astonishing!  In the last 90 days, Pinterest has shared FanningSparks’ pins over 1 Million times showing them to over 872,000 Pinterest visitors.  This has resulted in over 27,000 engagements (meaning clicks, saves or shares)—27,000 engagements in only 90 days! Amazing!  This represents twice as many Pinterest engagements as last year.
Here are the most popular FanningSparks’ pins from the last 90 days.  There’s a noticeable correlation to the top posts especially for the DIY tutorials. The posts that originated these pins are linked below the photos.
FanningSparks’ Top Pinterest Pins 1-4 Pins – For Last 90 Days As of March 2021
1. Lucet Cordmaking – DIY Tutorial
2. Our Pony Wall and Banquette Combo
3. Getting Started with Woodcarving
4. Hello Marvelous Photo EmbroideryFanningSparks’ Top Pinterest Pins 5-8 Pins – For Last 90 Days As of March 2021
5. DIY Bluebird-Approved Birdhouse Tutorial
6. Camellia Road Trip
7. Spring Into a Garden Tour
8. DIY Turkish Mosaic Candle Holder Tutorial
There are a number of ways to follow along with FanningSparks: Instagram, Facebook, Bloglovin’ and email subscription.  I announce my weekly posts via each platform so readers can stay up to date via their preferred channel.  Each platform has a healthy number of followers.  Instagram → 123 followers.  Facebook → 62 followers.  Bloglovin’ → 85 followers.  Email Subscription → 56 followers.
Some visitors find their way to FanningSparks via a general web search.  Google’s Search Console explains which queries (ie terms in the search box) were used.  For instance, the top performing queries in Feb 2021 were:
. “flat plane carving”
. “flat plane carving knife”
. “what is flat plane carving”.
While the top growing queries compared to the previous month were:
. “DIY Turkish lamp”
. “Quahog shell”
. “Scandinavian flat plane carving”.
It’s amazing to me to see results like those shown below—second hit of 3,160,000 results!  You may notice Harley Refsal, the flat-plane carving expert I rave about in my post, is featured prominently on this page.
Google Search Results Showing FanningSparks Hit – As of March 2021
FanningSparks Recognition and Feedback with Blue Felt LadyStatistics and analytics are all well and good but hearing from readers directly is better.  FanningSparks got some great exposure this last year.
In Aug 2020, FanningSparks made an appearance in the Neighbor Spotlight in our Homeowners Association e-Newsletter.  It was an honor to be featured in this neighborhood publication.  (Thanks again Mary!)
More recently, I had the privilege to share the FanningSparks story with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) Picture This! special interest group.  I joined this local photography club just before the 2020 lockdown and we’ve been meeting virtually every month.  Fellow members wanted to know how a blog could be used to gain exposure for one’s photography.  My presentation was well received.  (Thanks again Gary!)
FanningSparks’ Presentation to OLLI PictureThis – From Feb 2021
Early last year, I received a request for citation from Atlanta-based ceramic artist Keok Lim.  I had the pleasure of seeing her work at the Georgia Pottery Invitational Perspectives shows and posted about it on the blog.  I’m thrilled these posts are now quoted on Keok Lim Ceramics’ website Press page.   (Thank you Keok!).
FanningSparks’ Citation on Keok Lim Ceramics Press Page
It’s always a pleasure to hear from an artist I mention on the blog.  Jeffrey Waller, a local intarsia artist I featured in the post Intarsia: Mosaic of Wood, sent me a delightful email.  He said it warms his heart to know that something he has created from an idea in his mind “brings a smile, joy, excitement, and sheer amazement to the viewers. I thank you again for your wonderful words and exposure of and about this little ole country boy here in Georgia.”  (Thank you Jeffrey!)
Knowing others are making the projects I share on the blog makes all the effort worthwhile.  I’m so appreciative of a regular follower who let me know she’d followed my Fern & Flower Press tutorial to make one for her daughter as a Christmas gift.  She sent a photo with this note “Thank you for the inspiration (and directions) for the most popular Xmas gift this year.”  (Thank you Robin!)
FanningSparks Turns 3 – Thank YOU for Your Support   @FanningSparks
Thanks again for your support and encouragement of FanningSparks!
Peg - FanningSparks Author

Do you have a cherished teacup set languishing in the back of your china cabinet?  The kind you picture at an old-timey tea party?  There’s not much call for tea parties any more but that pretty little cup and saucer need not be forgotten.  Perhaps it’s time to repurpose it and give it a new lease on life.  How about turning that neglected china cup and saucer into a handy little pincushion?   Here’s my favorite teacup set repurposed as a pincushion.
Teacup and Saucer Repurposed as Pincushion   In today’s post, I share step-by-step instructions to make your own teacup pincushion.  The approach and technique used are similar to those from my last DIY tutorial post, Vintage Bangle to Keepsake Box.  Felt is used to make a stuffed pad for the pincushion which is lavishly embellished with felt flowers and leaves.  The pincushion pad is adhered inside the rim of the teacup.
Start by examining the pattern on your teacup and saucer—many have beautiful flowers or stunning floral arrangements.  Let this pattern be your inspiration.  Which flowers are used?  What are the forms and colors?  Here are a few examples.
3 Teacup Sets Showcasing Flowers and Leaves   Colorful felt flowers are the key to this project but buying felt in the desired colors can be a little tricky.  The best way, of course, is to shop in person where you can hold the teacup up against the felt.  But that’s not possible when shopping online.  I’ve found using a photo of the item I’m trying to match is a good way to select colors online.  Shoot the photo against a white background in bright, clear, natural light.  Then view your photo beside the vendor’s colors.  It’s helpful to take snippets of the color samples and drop them directly onto your photo.  This method isn’t foolproof but the side-by-side comparison is a good indicator of which colors will work best.  And it’s much better than holding a teacup up to your computer monitor!  The below photo shows a few color samples from Prairie Point Junction’s wool blend felt (see More Info below).
Teacup Pincushion – Matching Felt Colors Online
I selected a few options and ordered them in ⅓ yard cuts.  The wool blend felt is available in 36” wide yardage so ⅓ yard yields a generous 12” x 36” piece.  This project doesn’t require much felt so it’s possible to order a few different colors at a reasonable cost.
In the end, I selected 2 greens (Grassy Meadow and Shady Grove), 2 blues (Bluer Than Blue and Periwinkle), 2 pinks (Fuchsia and Pink Violet) and 1 white (Antique White) to make flowers in an open rose form, a daisy form and a hydrangea form.  Alternatively, you may wish to make one of the flower forms (ie a closed rose form, an apple blossom form or a dogwood flower form) that I shared in my previous post Vintage Bangle to Keepsake Box – DIY Tutorial.
Teacup Pincushion – Felt Colors Selected   Supplies Needed 
. Teacup and Saucer
. Template – Download  Felt Flowers for Teacup Pincushion – Complimentary Download to print the patterns for the felt flowers.
. Felt – Wool blend felt in the colors of your choice.  I used approximately 12” x 6” in white for the pincushion pad; 4” x 8” in pinks for the open rose form; 3” x 1½” in blues for the hydrangea form; 4” x 1” in blue for the daisy form; 1” x 3” in greens for the leaves; ½” x 3” in yellow for the stamen.
. Freezer Paper
. Thread – To match the felt for your pincushion pad and flowers.
. Filling – Polyester fiberfill or other material to stuff the pincushion.
. Embroidery Floss – Pink (or your choice of color) to wrap the pincushion pad and green for the leaves.
. Hulled Millet (Dried Beans or Rice) – Approximately ½ cup to add weight to the teacup.
Equipment and Tools Needed 
. Printer
. Iron
. Pencil
. Fabric Marker or Chalk
. Pins
. Scissors
. Scissors – Sharp, short-bladed scissors, such as embroidery or applique scissors, are ideal.
. Sewing Machine
. Needles – 1 needle for thread; 1 needle for embroidery floss; 1 extra-long embroidery needle; 1 large-eyed needle such as a darning needle.
. Stick – A small, round stick or dowel to hold the felt stamen.
. Hot Glue Gun
Step 1  Cut Pincushion Pad Parts  Place the teacup upside down on a piece of freezer paper (shiny side down).  Trace around the outside rim.   Add ½“ to the circumference of this circle.  Cut out the circle leaving a narrow border outside the cutting lines.  Use the iron to press the freezer paper pattern (shiny side down) onto the felt you’ve selected for the pincushion pad.  Cut out the felt circle with sharp, short-bladed scissors.  Take care to cut precisely.
Teacup Pincushion - Cut Felt Circles
Remove the freezer paper pattern.   Repeat for a second felt circle using the same color.  After removing the freezer paper pattern, find the center of the circle.  Transfer the center mark to the wrong sides of both of the felt circles.  Select one of the circles to be the bottom.  Draw a 2-3” line through the center mark.  Cut on this line to create a slit in the bottom circle.
Step 2  Construct Pincushion Pad  Lay the felt circles for the pincushion pad on top of each other with right sides facing.  Align the edges and pin.  Use the sewing machine to sew a ⅛“ seam around the entire circle.
Teacup Pincushion - Sew Around Outside   Gently turn the felt circle inside out through the slit.  Push out seam by running finger along the inside of the seam.  Press.  Stuff pincushion pad with polyester fiberfill or other material.  Ensure outside edge is stuffed evenly.  Take care not to overstuff—the seams should not be strained.  Use matching thread and whipstitch (or stitch of your choice) to close the back slit.
Teacup Pincushion - Stuff and Close Opening   Choose embroidery floss to divide the pincushion pad into petals—the color can match or contrast as you wish.  Wrap the 6-strand floss around the pincushion pad 3 times to measure the length needed.  Mine was 32” long.  Cut and thread the floss onto a long embroidery needle.  Insert a pin near the center point on the bottom and wrap the floss tail around this pin to anchor it.  Insert the needle at the center point on the bottom of the pad, pull it up through the pad and exit at the center point on the top.   Wrap the floss around the outside of the pad and return the needle to the center point on the bottom.
Teacup Pincushion - Wrap Floss to Make Petals
Pull the floss snug—this creates the indented points for the “petal” look.  Pull needle through pad to top again.  Repeat 5 times spacing out evenly around the circle into 6 petals.  Check the fit of the pincushion pad in the teacup—it should sit snuggly in the rim.  If needed, tighten or loosen the floss to adjust fit.  Finish with a small stitch on the top and return the needle to the back.  Knot the ends of the floss securely.
Teacup Pincushion - Petals Formed
Step 3  Cut Flower Parts  Download Felt Flowers for Teacup Pincushion – Complimentary Download to print the patterns for the felt flowers and leaves.   Alternatively, you may wish to make one of the flower forms (ie a closed rose form, an apple blossom form and a dogwood flower form) that I shared in the Felt Flowers for Bangle Keepsake Box – Complimentary Download in my previous post Vintage Bangle to Keepsake Box – DIY Tutorial.
Cut a sheet of freezer paper to the size of a sheet of printer paper (ie 8 ½“ x 11“) and put it into the printer tray with the shiny side down.  Print the template onto the freezer paper.  Since not all printers work the same, please adjust this technique to the specifics of your own printer.  Once you have your design printed on the freezer paper, cut out the individual patterns leaving a small border outside the cutting lines.  Match up the pattern pieces with your felt colors.
Place a piece of felt on your ironing surface and lay the freezer paper pattern on top of it with the shiny side down.  Use your iron to press the freezer paper pattern into place—a few seconds is all that’s needed.  Take care to use the heat setting appropriate for your felt.  Cut out the pattern piece (freezer paper and felt) using sharp, short-bladed scissors for precision.  Then simply pull the freezer paper off the felt.  Repeat with all felt pieces.
Cut the following:
. TWO #1 Open Rose Form Rolled Spiral Flower in pink.  I cut one from Fuchsia and one from Pink Violet.
. ONE large #2 Hydrangea Form 3-Pointed Petals Flower in dark blue.  I cut mine from Bluer Than Blue.
. ONE small #2 Hydrangea Form 3-Pointed Petals Flower in medium blue.  I cut mine from Periwinkle.
. ONE stamen for #2 Hydrangea Form 3-Pointed Petals Flower in vibrant yellow.  I cut mine from some scrap felt which I had on hand.
. ONE #3 Daisy Form Row of Petals Flower in medium blue.  I cut mine from Periwinkle.
. ONE stamen for #3 Daisy Form Row of Petals Flower in vibrant yellow.  I cut mine from some scrap felt which I had on hand.
. TWO #4 Leaves in green.  I cut one from Grassy Meadow and one from Shady Grove.
Teacup Pincushion - Felt Parts for Flowers
Step 4  Sew #1 Open Rose Form Rolled Spiral Flower   Align the two open rose spirals with the lighter color on top.  Thread sewing needle with matching thread.  (Note: I’m using black thread for visibility in the photo below.)  Start at the center of the spiral taking 2 small stitches to connect the two pieces of felt.  Take 4 small running stitches along the inside edge of the spiral.  Stop stitching to gather this section.  Pull the end of thread bunching the felt together.  Take 2 small stitches over the edge to lock in the gathers.  Repeat this process, stopping every 5-7 stitches to gather and lock, until you reach the end of the spiral.  Turn stitched spiral over with the light color on the top.  Position the gathered spirals into a pleasing arrangement.  Turn flower over and lock in the arrangement with a few stitches hidden on the bottom.
Steps to Make Open Rose Felt Flower
Step 5  Sew #2 Hydrangea Form 3-Pointed Petals Flower   Lay the small hydrangea form on top of the large one staggering the points of the petals.  Thread sewing needle with matching thread.  (Note: I’m using white thread for visibility in the photo below.)  Take 2 small stitches to connect the two pieces of felt.  Pull stamen through a large-eyed needle such as a darning needle.  Pull the needle and felt, from the back to the front, through the center of the flower.  Pull gently but firmly.  Loop felt stamen over a small stick to prevent it from pulling out.  Pull the needle and felt, from the front to the back, through the same opening in the center of the flower.  Turn flower over and trim the ends of the stamen to hide them.  Lock the stamen in place with a few stitches hidden on the bottom.
Steps to Make Hydrangea Form Felt Flower
Step 6  Sew #3 Daisy Form Row of Petals Flower   Thread sewing needle with matching thread.  (Note: I’m using white thread for visibility in the photo below.)  Leaving a long tail of thread, sew a row of small running stitches along the bottom straight edge of the flower.  Leave a long tail of thread at the end.  Grasp ends of thread and pull together to gather felt.  Pull snuggly and knot securely.  Pull stamen through a large-eyed needle such as a darning needle.  Pull the needle and felt, from the back to the front, through the center of the flower.  Pull gently but firmly.  Loop felt stamen over a small stick to prevent it from pulling out.  Pull the needle and felt, from the front to the back, through the same opening in the center of the flower.  Turn flower over and trim the ends of the stamen to hide them.  Lock the stamen in place with a few stitches hidden on the bottom.
Steps to Make Daisy Form Felt Flower
Step 7  Make the Leaves  Use 2-strands of contrasting embroidery floss to stitch a decorative vein down the center of each leaf.  Fold leaf in half.  Take 2-3 small whipstitches along the base of the leaf near the folded center.  This creates a slight tuck at the base of the leaf.
Embroider and Stitch Tuck in Felt Leaves
Step 8   Embellish the Pincushion Pad  Position the flowers and leaves in a pleasing arrangement on the pincushion pad.  Use needle with matching thread to attach each element.  Work under the elements.  Make small stitches taking care to keep them hidden.  Alternatively, you may choose to glue the elements in place.
Teacup Pincushion - Felt Flowers Attached to Pincushion
Step 9  Assemble Pincushion  A teacup can be a little unstable when seated on a saucer.  Since working with a wobbly pincushion would be less than ideal, I decided to try a couple of tweaks to stabilize it.  First, I added weight to the bottom of the teacup by filling it with hulled millet.  I used millet because I had some left over from another project.  You could use dried beans or rice instead.
Teacup Pincushion – Fill Teacup with Millet for Weight
Then I used a hot glue gun to create a bead of glue around the cup just below the rim.  I pressed the pincushion pad into the glue to secure the pincushion and seal the millet.  The final step is to glue the bottom of the teacup to the saucer.  I chose to do this for added stability but it’s optional.
And there you have it—your new teacup pincushion!Teacup Pincushion – Finished Project

More Info

You can download the project template here: Felt Flowers for Teacup Pincushion – Complimentary Download.
Please pin this image to share or save for future reference.
Teacup Pincushion – DIY Tutorial
I purchased my wool blend felt online from Prairie Point Junction which is the home of Wool Felt Central.  They offer a wide selection of colors in a wool and rayon blend.  I’m pleased with the quality of this felt; the colors are vibrant and the felt is easy to work with.  My order was filled and shipped on the same day I placed it.  The folks at Prairie Point Junction thoughtfully packed my felt in the same sequence as the order form so I could easily identify my colors.  Prairie Point Junction is located in Nebraska, USA and their website shows shipping information for the USA.  If you’re not located in the USA, you may want to check if they ship to your location.  Alternatively, I suggest checking Etsy for wool blend felt.  There are several well-established vendors showing thousands of positive reviews.

Today’s Takeaways

1.  Consider incorporating cherished treasures into everyday use.
2. Wool blend felt, which is available in a rainbow of colors, can be made into an endless variety of forms.
3. Consider turning a neglected china cup and saucer into a handy little pincushion.
Peg - FanningSparks Author

There’s an entire segment of the DIY blog world dedicated to repurposing items.  Creative DIYers transform, upcycle and revive thrift store or unwanted items into something new.  Wondering what to do with that old book? China plate? Sweater? Necktie? Window frame? Wood pallet? Tin can?  There are countless suggestions for all those things.  The ingenuity is amazing.  Some of the ideas may seem a little farfetched but it’s always fun to see what people come up with.
Recently, I tried my own little transformation project.  I found a few bangle bracelets nestled amongst my vintage finds while preparing last week’s post about Treasured Vintage Finds.
Vintage Bangle Bracelets   @FanningSparksOne in particular, a chunky, bejeweled costume jewelry bangle, caught my imagination.  With the help of a little felt flower-making research, some colorful felt and a few accents, a pretty little keepsake box emerged.  It was a fun process with lots of opportunity to get creative.  Today’s post includes detailed step-by-step instructions for transforming any bangle bracelet into a keepsake or trinket box.
Vintage Bangle Bracelet Before and After   @FanningSparks
The keepsake box consists of 3 components: a vintage bangle, an embellished lid and a felt liner.  The embellished lid sits on top of the bangle.  The lid is lavishly embellished with felt flowers, ribbon, beads and embroidery.  There are 3 different felt flowers: a rose form in deep blue, an apple blossom form in pale blue and a dogwood form in pale blue.  The lid is strengthened with thin cardboard and covered with 2 circles of felt.  A loop of ribbon creates a convenient handle to easily lift and replace the lid.  The felt liner fits snuggly inside the bangle.  The liner bottom is strengthened with foam board and covered with 2 circles of felt.  The liner walls are made of a thin strip of felt.  The liner bottom and walls are sewn together. A small, red felt heart is hidden on the liner bottom.  Only basic hand sewing skills are needed.
Supplies Needed
. Template – Download Felt Flowers for Bangle Keepsake Box – Complimentary Download to print the patterns for the felt flowers.
. Vintage Bangle Bracelet – Look for a wide bracelet.  The one I used is 1” wide.
. Felt – For liner and embellishments.  I used about 5” x 12” white felt, 5” x 5” deep blue felt, 5” x 3” light blue felt, 5” x 1½“ green felt and 1” x 1” red felt.
. Freezer Paper
. Paper
. Foam Board – 3” x 3” with ⅛“ thickness.
. Thin Cardboard – 3” x 3” boxboard (such as the cardboard used for cereal boxes).
. Embroidery Floss – To match the liner felt and to contrast with the red felt heart and the green felt leaves.
. Thread – To match the felt flowers and leaves.
. Ribbon – About 6” long x ⅝“ wide to make the loop handle.
. Beads or Buttons – TWO small beads or buttons for the inside of the light blue flowers.
. Beads – To embellish the outside edge of the lid. I used 6/0 glass seed beads in Tortoise Rainbow.
. Glue
Bangle Keepsake Box – Supplies Needed   @FanningSparksEquipment and Tools Needed
. Printer – For printing patterns.
. Iron
. Needles – 1 for hand sewing with thread and 1 for embroidering with floss.
. Pins or Clips
. Ruler
. Pencil
. Scissors – Sharp, short-bladed scissors, such as embroidery or applique scissors, are ideal.
. Scissors  – To cut thin cardboard.
. Utility Knife – X-ACTO, or similar sharp craft knife, to cut foam board.

Freezer Paper Technique  A great way to cut neat and precise parts from felt is to use freezer paper.  Freezer paper is a plastic-coated paper designed to wrap and freeze meat.  But it is also widely used for creating patterns to cut fabric for quilting, applique and felt flower making.  As explained in the steps that follow there are several reasons why freezer paper is ideal for this purpose.
A. The paper-side of freezer paper looks like regular paper while the plastic-coated side is shiny and smooth. You can easily draw or trace on the paper side. And even better, you can print your design onto freezer paper with your regular laser printer.  Just cut a sheet of freezer paper to the size of a sheet of printer paper (ie 8 ½“ x 11“) and put it into the printer tray with the shiny side down.  Since not all printers work the same, please adjust this technique to the specifics of your own printer.  Once you have your design printed on the freezer paper, cut out the individual patterns leaving a small border outside the cutting lines.
Print Flower Patterns on Freezer Paper   @FanningSparksB. Next comes the best part, place your felt on your ironing surface and lay the freezer paper pattern on top of the felt with the shiny side down. Use your iron to press the freezer paper pattern into place—a few seconds is all that’s needed. Take care to use the heat setting appropriate for your felt.  The amazing thing is the iron melts the plastic just enough to make the paper stick to the felt while you cut out your piece.
Press Trimmed Flower Patterns onto Felt   @FanningSparksC. Cut out the pattern piece (freezer paper and felt) using sharp, short-bladed scissors for precision. Then simply pull the freezer paper off the felt. Surprisingly, it comes off very easily and no residue is left behind.  Pattern pieces can be reused so take care when removing them from the felt.
Steps to Cut Out Felt and Remove Freezer Paper   @FanningSparks
Instructions to Make Bangle Keepsake Box
Step 1  Print Patterns
  Download Felt Flowers for Bangle Keepsake Box – Complimentary Download to print the patterns for the felt flowers, leaves and hidden heart.  Follow Step A of the Freezer Paper Technique as described above to print the patterns on freezer paper.  Set aside.
Step 2  Cut Liner Parts  Begin by determining the size of the liner parts. Use a strip of scrap paper to measure the inside circumference of the bangle.  Cut the paper strip a little longer than needed.  Tuck the paper strip inside the bangle ensuring it is snug up against the inside edge all the way around.  Mark the point where the paper overlaps. Add ¼“ for the seam allowance.  This will be the length of the liner wall.
Bangle Keepsake Box - Measure Inside Using Strip of Paper   @FanningSparksMeasure the height of the inside of the bangle using a ruler.  Add ¼“ for the seam allowance.  This will be the height of the liner wall.  Cut a rectangle of white felt with the length and width calculated.
Lay the bangle on a piece of freezer paper with the shiny side down.  Use a pencil to trace around the inside edge of the bangle.
Bangle Keepsake Box - Trace Inside of Bangle onto Freezer Paper   @FanningSparksCut out the circle leaving a small border outside the cutting line.  Follow Steps B-C of the Freezer Paper Technique as described above to adhere and cut out a white felt circle.  Reuse the freezer paper pattern to cut 3 more white felt circles.
Lay the bangle on a piece of foam board.  Use a pencil to trace around the inside edge of the bangle.  Use a sharp utility knife such as an X-ACTO knife to cut out the foam board circle.
Lay the bangle on a piece of thin cardboard.  Use a pencil to trace around the inside edge of the bangle.  The cardboard circle needs to be slightly smaller than the inside of the bangle so draw a second circle ⅛“ inside the traced circle.  Use scissors to cut out the smaller circle.  Set aside for the lid.
A small heart is stitched to the bottom of the liner as a fun surprise.  Cut ONE #5 Heart part from red felt following the Freezer Paper Technique as described above.
Step 3  Make Felt Liner  The felt liner is made with 2 circles of felt, a rectangle of felt, a foam board circle and a hidden felt heart.
Bangle Keepsake Box - Parts for Felt Liner   @FanningSparksStart by sewing one long edge of the felt rectangle, which will become the liner wall, to one of the felt circles.  Use 2-strands of matching embroidery floss with a blanket stitch.  Start and finish ½“ from the ends of the rectangle.
TIP: Instead of cutting the thread at the stopping point, just remove the needle and hold the remaining thread out of the way.  This will allow you to the finish stitching later without interrupting the flow of the seam.
Bangle Keepsake Box - Sew Liner Wall to Bottom Circle   @FanningSparksHold the short ends of the rectangle together ensuring the remaining unsewn bottom edges are aligned and fit snuggly against the bottom circle.  Trim the short ends if necessary.  Pin and stitch the short ends with a blanket stitch.  Finish stitching the long edge of the felt rectangle to the bottom circle.
Insert the foam board circle into the felt liner.  Then slip it inside the bangle.  The liner and foam board bottom should fit snuggly.  Finetune the foam board circle to adjust fit, if necessary.  I found it easiest to shave off small amounts with scissors.  Trim one of the felt circles to match the size of the trimmed foam board circle.  Sew red felt heart to this felt circle.  For contrast, I used 2-strands of white embroidery floss in a running stitch.
Bangle Keepsake Box - Sew Felt Heart to Liner Bottom   @FanningSparksGlue this felt circle to the top of the foam board circle.  Insert embellished bottom into the liner.  If desired, glue felt liner walls to the inside edge of bangle.
Step 4  Make Felt Lid
Prepare to make the ribbon loop for lifting and replacing the lid.  Cut a piece of ribbon about 6” long.  Find and mark the center of one of the felt circles.  Use sharp-tipped scissors to make a small snip at the mark.  Find and mark center of thin cardboard.  Use scissors to make a small hole at the mark.  Fold the ribbon in half.
Bangle Keepsake Box – Make Handle in Lid   @FanningSparksHold ribbon by loop and gently pull the ends of the ribbon through the hole in the felt circle and then the hole in the cardboard. Push cardboard and felt circle together.  Securely fasten the ends of the ribbon together.  You can twist the ends if the ribbon is wired.  Knot or stitch if the ribbon is unwired.  Keep ends as flat as possible under the cardboard.  You may wish to glue or tape the ends in place.
Step 5  Make Flowers  I chose to include 3 different flower forms including a Rose Form, an Apple Blossom Form and a Dogwood Form.  The Rose Form, made in deep blue felt, is constructed by rolling a scalloped spiral cut.  The Apple Blossom Form, made in light blue felt with a pearl bead center, is created by gathering a flat cut of 5 rounded petals.  The Dogwood Form, made in light blue felt with a sparkling button center, is assembled by sewing together and gathering 4 cathedral window-shaped petals.  There are 5 green felt leaves with veins embroidered in floss.   Feel free to follow this same design or customize the embellishments as you wish.
Felt Flowers – Rose, Apple Blossom and Dogwood Forms   @FanningSparks
Make Rose Form Rolled Spiral Flower
Cut ONE #1 Rose Form Rolled Spiral Flower from deep blue felt following the Freezer Paper Technique as described above.  Thread needle with matching thread.  Anchor thread on outside tip of felt spiral.  Roll spiral for one round.  Stitch edge in place.  Continue to wind and stitch layers keeping roll tight and surface flat.
Steps to Make Rose Form Felt Flower   @FanningSparksMake Apple Blossom Form Round Petal Flower
Cut ONE #2 Apple Blossom Form Round Petal flower part from light blue felt following the Freezer Paper Technique as described above.  Thread needle with matching thread.  Work on the front side of the felt flower.  Do not pull thread end snug instead leave a 3-4“ tail.  Take small stitch across the bottom of the valley where petals meet at about ¼“ from tip of V.  Continue around the flower form taking small stitches at each valley.  Pull ends of thread together gathering the flower form.  Tie thread ends into firm knot.  Trim and hide thread ends inside flower “throat”.  Sew a pearl bead (or your choice of accent) inside the flower throat.
Steps to Make Apple Blossom Form Felt Flower   @FanningSparksMake Dogwood Form Pointed Petals Flower
Cut FOUR #3 Dogwood Form Pointed Petals from light blue felt following the Freezer Paper Technique as described above.
Thread needle with matching thread.  Work on the back side of the felt flower petals.  Do not pull thread end snug instead leave a 3-4“ tail.  Take a few small stitches across the flat end of the petal.  Stitch the other 3 petals in the same way attaching all 4 petals onto the single thread.  Pull ends of thread together gathering the petals.  Tie thread ends into firm knot.  Trim and hide thread ends at back of flower.  Sew a sparkling button (or accent of your choice) at the center of the flower.
Steps to Make Dogwood Blossom Form Felt Flower   @FanningSparksMake the Leaves
Cut FIVE #4 Leaves from green felt following the Freezer Paper Technique as described above.
Use 2-strands of contrasting embroidery floss to stitch a decorative vein down the center of each leaf.  Fold leaf in half.  Take 2-3 small whipstitches along the base of the leaf near the folded center.  This creates a slight tuck at the base of the leaf.
Embroider and Stitch Tuck in Leaves   @FanningSparksStep 6  Embellish Lid  Now comes the fun part—embellishing the felt lid!  Position the flowers and leaves in a pleasing arrangement.
Bangle Keepsake Box - Arrange Flowers on Lid   @FanningSparks
Use needle with matching thread to attach each element.  Work from the back of the felt lid.  Make small stitches taking care to keep them hidden.  Alternatively, you may choose to glue the elements in place.
After all the elements have been attached, cover the bottom of the embellished lid with the fourth felt circle.  Align the two felt circles with the thin cardboard in between the layers.  There should be a scant ⅛“ margin of felt around the cardboard.  Clip, or pin, layers in place.  Use 2-strands of matching embroidery floss to sew the felt circles together.  Use a small, even blanket stitch (or stitch of your choice).  I chose to dress up my blanket stitch with glass beads.  This is done by sliding a bead onto the needle for every horizontal wrap.  Check More Info below if you need a refresher or more details for this technique.
Bangle Keepsake Box - Sew Lid with Beaded Blanket Stitch   @FanningSparksVoilà!  Your new keepsake box is done!
Finished Bangle Keepsake Box   @FanningSparksNow it’s time to put your new creation to work—mine holds a pretty little vintage button collection.Bangle Keepsake Box Holding Vintage Buttons    @FanningSparks

More Info

You can download the project template here: Felt Flowers for Bangle Keepsake Box – Complimentary Download.
Please pin this image to share or save for future reference.
Vintage Bangle Bracelet to Keepsake Box – DIY Tutorial Pin   @FanningSparksGathered.How, publishers of Mollie Makes and other fine craft magazines, provides helpful instructions in their Library of Embroidery Stitches for Beginners.  A general Google search will find instructions for a beaded blanket stitch.
You may also like the posts Treasured Vintage Finds or Thrifted Frame to Small Tray.

Today’s Takeaways

1. Consider ways to repurpose a vintage or thrift store find.
2. Felt flowers, which can be made in a multitude of colors, shapes and sizes, are a versatile way to embellish home accessories.
3. A small keepsake, or trinket, box can add a pretty touch while storing a few special items.
Peg - FanningSparks Author