By the 1920s, the original cardboard box had been replaced by the more durable distinctive metal tins of today.” reports the Altoids website.  That’s over 100 years of creatives and innovators finding clever and practical ways to repurpose the curiously useful metal tins from “the original celebrated curiously strong mints”.

Are you a maker who loves to travel?  Or a traveler who loves to make?  If so, I have a great new challenge for you―can you condense your travel memories into a mere six cubic inches? 
The idea is to reflect upon your travel experience and identify the few most significant qualities, tangible and intangible, of the place you visited.  And then to capture those qualities, as concisely as possible, in a pocket-sized box.  
The result is a tiny, three-dimensional work of art which I’ve dubbed the Travel Memories Mini Tin.