I’ve chosen “Hope” as my word for the upcoming year.   The choice may be obvious given the difficulties 2020 threw at us.
I find comfort in reminding myself that hope is “desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment—to cherish a desire with anticipation—to want something to happen or be true”.  
Hope: My Word for 2021   @FanningSparks
I hope—desire and believe—the pandemic will be turned around this year.  I hope we’ll be able to gather freely with family and friends.  I hope my dear ones and I are safe and healthy.  I hope the same for you and yours.  I hope we’ll be able to venture away from home—to explore without fear.  I hope we’ve all learned from the pandemic and are ready to do our parts for the greater good—to find a better balance between an individualist and collectivist culture and mindset.  I hope our world leaders, in government, science and business, have learned from this terrible situation and are ready to take on other pressing global problems like climate change.  Obviously, I have high hopes!  To keep them top of mind, I’ve hung my high hopes at the center of the inspiration wall in my studio.Hope Hung on Inspiration Wall   @FanningSparks
This is the third time I’ve started a new year with a “word”.  I’ve made a piece of art—in the form of a stitched photograph—for each one.  Selecting an appropriate image, creating the design and stitching the photo are all steps in the process that allow me to mull over my chosen word.
Paper Stitching in Progress   @FanningSparks
Without quite intending to, it seems I’ve started a new New Year’s tradition.  “Harmony” was my word for 2019.
Harmony My Word for 2019   @FanningSparks
I started 2020 with the word “Savor”.
Savor My Word for 2020   @FanningSparks
I now look forward to selecting a word for the year.  It’s a tradition I plan to continue.

More Info

You may recognize the lighthouse photo from my previous post Beacons of Light.  It is the St Andrews (North Point) Lighthouse in St Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada.
Previous posts featuring my word for the year include:
Harmony: My Word for 2019
Savor: My Word for 2020
If you’d like more ideas for embroidering photos, check out my Paper Stitching inspiration board on Pinterest where I’ve pinned over 300 examples.
Jan 16, 2021 Update: Paper stitching is an easy project.  Only basic design and hand sewing skills are involved.  Check out the post, Hello Marvelous Photo Embroidery – DIY Tutorial, for step-by-step instructions to embroider your own printed photo.

Today’s Takeaways

1. What are your hopes for 2021?
2. Think about selecting a single word to represent your goals for the new year.
3. Consider combining photography and embroidery for an unusual art piece.
Peg - FanningSparks Author

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