For the fourth year running, I’m starting the New Year with a carefully selected word instead of a set of new year resolutions.  My word for 2022 is “HOPE”—it’s the same word I chose for 2021.  I considered several other words for the upcoming year but, in the end, I decided to double down on “Hope”.
HOPE My Word for 2022 Stitched on Paper   @FanningSparks
Last year at this time, I wrote “The choice may be obvious given the difficulties 2020 threw at us.  I find comfort in reminding myself that hope is “desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment—to cherish a desire with anticipation—to want something to happen or be true”.”  I went on to share my hopes the pandemic would be turned around, we could once again gather freely with family and friends, and we could return to traveling without fear.  These hopes haven’t been realized—yet!  But I continue to hope they will.
HOPE My Word for 2022 Stitched on Paper at Angle   @FanningSparks
Regular readers may recall, I like to stitch a photograph featuring my word for the year.  It serves as a visual reminder throughout the year.  I used a slightly different approach this year and simply stitched my word on paper.
Letter H Stitched on Paper @FanningSparks

More Info

Previous posts featuring my word for the year include:
. Harmony: My Word for 2019
. Savor: My Word for 2020
. Hope: My Word for 2021
Paper stitching is an easy project.  Check out the post, Hello Marvelous Photo Embroidery – DIY Tutorial, for step-by-step instructions to embroider your own printed photo.
My Paper Stitching Pinterest board is packed with over 350 ideas for embroidering photos and other forms of paper.

Today’s Takeaways

1. Do you select a single word to represent your goals for the New Year?
2. If so, what word have you selected for 2022?
3. Consider creating a visual reminder with paper embroidery.

Peg - FanningSparks Author

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