Looking for a fresh idea to add sparkle and shine to your holiday décor?  How about a little old-world charm in rich, warm copper tones?  The copper snowflakes featured here have twists and turns reminiscent of the wrought iron of southern Europe.  Hang them to catch the light and surround yourself with twinkling stars!Curly Copper Snowflake in Morning Sunshine   @FanningSparks

You need only some copper foil, a few tools, basic crafting skills and the following step-by-step instructions to make one of these curly copper snowflakes.  Make one or a whole flurry to hang on a tree, dress up a gift, sprinkle across a dining table, showcase on a wreath, feature in a holiday tablescape, hang in a window or string on a garland.
Let’s get started!
Supplies Needed
. Copper Tooling Foil.  ONE 12” x 30” roll of 36-gauge (5 mil / .005” thick).  This copper foil is about 8 times thicker than the aluminum foil typically used in the kitchen.  It can’t be torn but it can easily be cut with scissors.  It is pliable but holds its shape.  Each snowflake requires about 2” x 30” of foil so a full roll should yield about 15-17 snowflakes.
. Manila File Folder
. Lacquer Spray (Optional) such as Rust-Oleum lacquer spray in gloss clear.
Copper Foil Needed for Curly Copper Snowflake   @FanningSparks

Tools Needed
. Metal shears.  Alternatively, a pair of sturdy scissors can be dedicated to cutting metal.
. Ball Stylus for marking the copper foil.  Alternatively, a pencil or ballpoint pen can be used.
. Flat Nose Pliers
. Bone Folder.  Alternatively, the back of an old spoon can be used.
. Wire-curling Mandrel.  One with a small width rod (I used 3mm) to create curls.  One with a medium width rod (I used 6.5 mm) to create spirals.  I purchased a set with 4 rod widths, in 3mm, 6.5mm, 8mm and 10mm, from Fire Mountain Gems.  Alternatively, a dowel, skewer or other slim, round rod can be used.
. Ruler
. Gloves
Tools Needed for Curly Copper Snowflake   @FanningSparks

Step 1 Prepare Cutting Template   Create a cutting template from a manila file folder to assist with cutting strips from the roll of copper foil.  Press firmly along the fold in the center of the folder.  Measure and mark ³⁄₁₆” from the fold.  Cut the folder along this line leaving a long, slim ³⁄₁₆” overlap.
Step 2 Cut Strips   Tuck the 12” edge of the copper foil under the overlap of the cutting template ensuring the entire edge is aligned with the inside edge of the fold.  Slide the ball stylus along the edge of the overlap pressing down into the copper foil.
Measuring Strips for Curly Copper Snowflake   @FanningSparks

Use metal shears, or alternatively scissors, to cut along the embossed line.  This will result in a long narrow strip—12 inches long by  ³⁄₁₆” wide.  Cut a total of NINE strips.
Cutting Strips for Curly Copper Snowflake   @FanningSparks

Step 3 Smooth Edges  Use a bone folder, or alternatively the back of a spoon, to smooth each strip and remove any sharp and rough edges.  It’s best to wear gloves for this step since the freshly-cut metal edges can be sharp.
Smoothing Strips for Curly Copper Snowflake   @FanningSparks

Step 4 Prepare Measuring Template Prepare a measuring template from a rectangular piece of manila file folder or paper to guide your measurements in the next few steps.  Measure 5½” from the top left corner and make a mark.  Find the center, at 2¾” from the left edge, and make a mark.   Measure 1³⁄₁₆” to the left and to the right of the center line and mark.  These marks are labeled “Wrap” in the template shown below.
Step 5 Cut Strips  Use the measuring template to cut each of the 12” strips into TWO 5½“ pieces.  Set the remaining short 1” pieces aside.  You should have EIGHTEEN 5½” pieces and NINE 1” pieces.
Preparing 6 Strips for Curly Copper Snowflake   @FanningSparks

Step 6 Bundle Pieces  Stack SIX of the 5½” pieces one on top of the other.  Align the edges.  Use the measuring template to find the center of the bundle and wrap one of the short 1” pieces around the middle of the bundle.
Wrapping Center Around Bundle of Strips for Curly Copper Snowflake   @FanningSparks

Step 7 Twirl Spirals  Prepare to make spirals in the middle of the bundle.  Starting on one end of the bundle, pull the first and sixth strips up and away from the bundle.  Select the medium, 6.5 mm wire-curling mandrel.  Pick up the second strip and use the mandrel to create a horizontal spiral, starting close to the center, and twisting for one rotation.  Repeat the process with the fifth strip twisting in the opposite direction.
Preparing Spirals in 2 Strips for Curly Copper Snowflake   @FanningSparks

Step 8 Secure Ends of Bundle  Pull all of the strips back together.  Hold the bundle over the measuring template.  Wrap one of the short 1” pieces around the bundle at the marked point.
Wrapping End Around Bundle of Strips for Curly Copper Snowflake   @FanningSparks

Repeat this same process at the other end of the bundle.  Fan out the ends of the strips in preparation for curling.
Securing Spirals in Bundle of Strips for Curly Copper Snowflake   @FanningSparks

Step 9 Curl Ends  Select the small, 3mm wire-curling mandrel.  Insert the end of the first strip into the notch in the mandrel.  Turn the mandrel’s handle and twirl towards the outside edge.  Wrap the strip tightly around the mandrel.  Then remove the curl by slipping it off the end of the mandrel.
Preparing Curls with Copper Strips and Mandrel   @FanningSparks

Repeat with the remaining strips twirling in the directions shown below.
Curling Ends on Bundle of Strips for Curly Copper Snowflake   @FanningSparks

Step 10 Attach 3 Bundles  Create 2 more bundles of strips repeating steps 6 to 9.  Cut a short 2-inch piece of ³⁄₁₆” wide copper foil.  Use a pair of flat nose pliers to bend one bundle towards the left and one bundle towards the right as shown below.  Wrap the centers of all three bundles with the short piece of copper foil.  Secure the connection with flat nose pliers.
Preparing 3 Bundles of Strips for Curly Copper Snowflake   @FanningSparks

Step 11 Hang Snowflake  Finetune the curled ends with your fingers to make them even and full.
I chose to leave my copper snowflake untreated and plan to store it with desiccant silica gel packets to prevent oxidation.  Alternatively, you could choose to protect your snowflake with a clear lacquer spray or you could choose to let it oxidize for a natural patina.
Add a piece of string or an ornament wire to hang your completed snowflake.
3 Bundles of Strips Secured for Curly Copper Snowflake   @FanningSparks

Position your new curly copper snowflake near a light source to let it sparkle!
Curly Copper Snowflake Sparkles in Sunlight   @FanningSparks

More Info

Please pin this image to share or save for future reference.
Curly Copper Snowflake DIY Tutorial Pin   @FanningSparksIt’s been a while since I visited Portugal and became enamored with their beautiful wrought iron.  I shared a series of photos in the blog post Lines and Patterns in Wrought Iron and wrote about being inspired by all the lovely lines and patterns.  It always amazes me to look back and see how an idea was born and then, slowly without conscious effort, evolved into something new.
Lines and Patterns in Wrought Iron from Portugal. @FanningSparks

You may also like these previous blog posts featuring other handmade holiday ornament ideas:
. Handmade Ornaments for the Holidays (for a trio of paper ornaments)
. Red Leather Snowflake Ornament – DIY Tutorial.

Today’s Takeaways

1. The holidays offer a great opportunity to try making something new.
2. Rich, warm copper tones can add old-world charm.
3. Be on the lookout for creative inspiration.
Peg - FanningSparks Author

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