


Some things just go together―like peanut butter and jelly, pen and paper, cup and saucer, brick and mortar, or flowers and hammer.  OK that last one, “flowers and hammer”, is an unlikely pairing.  It’s certainly not one you’re going to see on a greeting card!
Yet, flowers and hammers are the basis of a fun, natural dyeing project I’d like to share with you.

Generally, when someone says it’s “a walk in the park” they mean it’s an easy, effortless activity but today’s blog post is literally about a walk in the park.  It wasn’t effortless but it was an easy hike through one of my all-time favorites―Oakfield Provincial Park in Nova Scotia.

Text the word “mailbox” and your messaging app will likely present you with a choice of emojis featuring traditional rural mailboxes.  It’s an interesting contradiction―if you text like you were born with a phone in your hand, it’s entirely possible you’ve never used a traditional, rural mailbox in real life.

A whole, new parade of flowers comes into bloom as we sail into summer.  Daisies, roses, peonies and other summertime favorites replace tulips, lilacs and cherry blossoms.  This seasonal showcase provides the perfect opportunity to revisit the topic of floriography.