And just like that―it’s time to celebrate FanningSparks’ seventh lap around the track! Seven years of researching, writing and photographing stories to share here on the blog. I’m grateful to you and the 231,000 other visitors who have found their way to this blog over the last seven years.
Some people thrive in frigorific conditions embracing the hiemal weather. Others, like me, appreciate the brumal beauty of the hibernal season but shun the cauldrife feeling.
Imagine walking into the peaceful calm of a beautiful, airy church sanctuary and looking up to see hundreds of white paper doves floating in the air―the doves move about gently as they ride the air currents―the sound of thrilling organ music surrounds you―and there’s only you and three others treading quietly down the aisle.
Putting together kumiko is a bit like making a jigsaw puzzle. In both cases, a bunch of small, trivial parts fit together to create something significant. In both cases, the pieces only fit in a very specific way. Both require patience and persistence.
Typically, the term “city break” is used to describe a short holiday spent in a European city. Whether it’s a romantic long weekend in Paris, a cultural getaway to Barcelona or a history junket to Rome, memorable city breaks are within easy reach when you’re in Europe.
“Sign, sign, everywhere a sign.
Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind.
Do this! Don’t do that! Can’t you read the sign? ”