In the old children’s chanting game, players stand in a circle holding their hands in fists to represent potatoes.  The rhyme “One potato, two potato, three potato, four.  Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more.” is recited while counting the potato-fists.  The exact words and the specific rules seem to vary but, somehow, a winner is chosen.

A few minutes in any fishing harbour will confirm that the great majority of the boats bear names.” wrote Trevor Kenchington in his research paper titled The Names of Nova Scotian Fishing BoatsConversation with their owners will reveal … that they take a great deal of pride in their boats; pride reflected in the paintwork, extra investments beyond the economic optimum, and the names painted on bow or stern.”

Autumn―the season of vivid color, cooler temperatures and harvesting!  It’s the end of the growing season―time to gather the last vegetables from the home garden, pick the ripened fruit from the orchard and harvest the final crops from the farm fields.
Although we’re more likely to think about seeds in the spring, it’s worth taking a moment to consider what happens to seeds at this time of the year.